July 7, 2010
Present: William Robinson
William Fuller
Absent: Ginger Conner
The meeting opened at 7:00 pm with no visitors.
The 6/16/2010 Minutes and the 7/01/2010 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved by both members.
The Department of Public Health documents which were sent to all Recreational Camps were reviewed and filed.
The Department of Public Health Policies, Procedures and Guidelines for Truck Vendors and Farmer’s Markets were reviewed and filed.
The End of Year Memo from the Town Administrator was reviewed and no action was required.
Title 5 Inspections (William Robinson was present at the inspections) were approved at:
266 Moberg Rd. Map 218 lot 100
862 Moberg Rd. Map 218 lot 84
An Application for Disposal System Construction Permit was approved by both members at 92 Will Scarlet Dr. Map 216 lot 413. (William Fuller was present for the percolation test.)
Berkshire Enviro-Labs, Inc. is working with Uncle Larry’s Tavern and the Department of Environmental Protection to correct a drinking water problem.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller